
    Summer 2021 Trail Work

    Patrick Remington
    Consider the penalty for failure, dude

    March 31, 2021, 05:48 AM

    We're making good progress removing the dead ash trees at Blackhawk.

    Check out the updates at:

    -The Blackhawk Mountain Bike Member Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/141797522593089
    -Blackhawk's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/blackhawkskiclub

    The work involves:
    -Jeremy cuts down the dead ash trees in the woods, and hauls the entire tree to the road. 
    -We pull the entire tree to the East parking lot and load it onto a burn pile
    -Once an area is cleared (e.g., the Pines, Twist and Shout, and the new "Playground"), volunteers remove brush and debris and fix any trail damage.
    -We'd like to get all the East trails cleared and ready to ride by Saturday, as well as the East and West Connector. Howling Wolff will be closed for a while. 

    I plan to be out at the Club from 1-5 Wed-Fri this week. More hands will make quicker work.

    Thanks to Dirk R, Scott C, Jim L, Jeff H, Mike D, Luke L, Finn P and his 2 friends from Middleton High School, Lawrence M for helping so far!

    Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. 

    ~ Pat Remington
    Blackhawk trail steward and mountain bike committee chair. Ski Club Past President.


    Former President
    Board Member

    May 31, 2021, 01:27 PM

    I tackled the weeds on the skills area; it was brutal, we need to try to stay a little more ahead of that.  Two tanks of gas and three cassettes full of string.  Someone could probably hit some of the surrounding area with the walk-behind trimmer.

    The easy line needs some work, but also needs more wheels.  It would be helpful if everyone took a trip down it while you are there to keep it in shape for beginners.  I rediscovered the two berms, we need to rebuild a couple rollers so that it's more fun for all riders.



    June 01, 2021, 08:22 PM

    I'll try to get there this week for some trimming



    June 02, 2021, 12:41 PM

    The easy line needs some work, but also needs more wheels [...]  we need to rebuild a couple rollers so that it's more fun for all riders.
    Right on. I've seen a lot of people give that line a miss just because it wasn't as interesting&fun as the other 2


    Former President
    Board Member

    July 04, 2021, 11:56 AM

    I trimmed the Skills Area.  Some of the Burdock is tougher than a string trimmer, it might be worth it to go back in with something more heavy duty.  Also got the upper part of Roller Coaster

    Pines Loop could use a quick trim, mainly to keep the sock burrs from getting much more developed.  Looks like the part of Howling Wolff that has no trees  is getting pretty thick as well.

    I also did a little dirt work on the easy line of the Skills Area, built back up a couple rollers that had disappeared.  I think what would make the line more fun would be to have a small tabletop or camelback at the very end; rollable for beginners, but something you could clear if you carry speed through the berms.  The berms ride well, and you can carry speed, but they end abruptly.  It wouldn't take much work.   Though you'd want to make sure you don't exit into the two-track too fast.


    Patrick Remington
    Consider the penalty for failure, dude

    July 04, 2021, 03:59 PM

    You da man!  I'll keep spreading the word -- many hands make light work!


    ~ Pat Remington
    Blackhawk trail steward and mountain bike committee chair. Ski Club Past President.


    Former President
    Board Member

    July 28, 2021, 07:10 AM

    We trimmed HW, RC, T&S, and Ziggy on Saturday.  The Pines, all the Connectors, and DWBH all could use some attention.



    August 01, 2021, 11:41 AM

    We trimmed HW, RC, T&S, and Ziggy on Saturday.  The Pines, all the Connectors, and DWBH all could use some attention.

    Just trimmed DWBH.



    August 04, 2021, 06:57 PM


    We trimmed HW, RC, T&S, and Ziggy on Saturday.  The Pines, all the Connectors, and DWBH all could use some attention.

    Just trimmed DWBH.


    Former President
    Board Member

    August 23, 2021, 10:55 AM

    Trimmed Long's Short and gave the Skills Area a once over.  Did some restoration work on the set of rollers on the Pines Loop.  Dirt was really nice to work with and should be again with the latest rain, Skills Area needs some attention if anyone is looking for some digging.



    August 23, 2021, 10:57 AM

    Looked really good. Maybe I can get out there and patch up the landing on the skills area jump line today.
