
    Friends Group Meeting December 15th 2014

    Walt Hougas
    Trail Steward - Blue Mound SP
    To Be A Man...

    December 16, 2014, 06:01 AM

    A couple of items were discussed regarding the bike trails.

    The parking lot will be resurfaced this summer after the swimming pool renovation is complete. The kiosk and bike wash at the trail head will be relocated off the edge of the lot, but the trail head location will essentially remain the same.

    Park Manager Kevin Swenson stated there was a split of opinion within the DNR to separate the approval of the bike trails from the snowmobile trails and have a separate amendment process. At this time however, the official line as stated by Peter Biermeyer, is that the proposed amendment to the Blue Mound master plan will include a review of all recreational trails at Blue Mound State Park.

    Ranger Megan is is not currently trained as a trainer to accredit excavator operators. But she heard my request to help find out who can train one or more CORP members to become certified.



    Gary S
    Board Member, co-Trail Steward Blue Mound SP

    December 16, 2014, 09:08 AM

    Thanks for sharing, Walter.
