
    CORP is Hiring!

    Former President
    Board Member

    March 03, 2023, 09:53 PM

    CORP has had, by almost any standard, remarkable success over the years.  From humble beginnings scratching out trail at CamRock and Blue Mound to our current sixteen trail systems (with more in development!), from a few folks in the woods with hand tools to $100,000+ pro-builds, we're pretty proud of what we've been able to accomplish.  We're also tired.  With that success has come a vastly increased workload, and it has become a challenge for our all-volunteer organization to keep up.  In order to maintain our upward momentum, we've decided that it is time to hire an Executive Director.  It will be a part time position (for the time being), has the potential to be immensely rewarding, and you get paid to make local mountain biking better!  Sound interesting?  Details and application are here.
