CORP and Madison Parks recognize the lack of an off-road cycling infrastructure within the city, and we have been working together to do something about it! CORP’s proposed solution is the Madison Bicycle Adventure Trail System (MBATS). Curious?? It's a RAD concept if you live in Madison and want to ride, rather than drive, to larger outlying trail systems, or if you'd like a place in your neighborhood for a quick ride. Visit ( to learn about our vision and join the discussion.
If you like the idea, have a suggestion for a park near you, and want to make this happen, then take action. Let us know, more importantly let your alder and the Parks Department know (links are located in URL above). The more support we can show for the idea, the faster it will move forward. #MBATS
The attached map (interactive version here: shows facilities with the physical potential for off road cycling; no concrete plans exist at any sites. As the plan develops, we will assess sites more thoroughly and determine the routing of the system.