Greetings fellow mountain bikers!
We have some exciting news! Due to an overwhelming number of favorable comments and donations, and an amazing change of heart of our partners, we're happy to announce that we're re-aligning our mission at Blue Mound. In order to fully accommodate the growing majority of trail users who favor a less technical trail experience, we'll be redesigning the trail known as "Gneiss" as a completely buffed and tuned FLOW TRAIL! In addition, a generous segment of trail will be paved with quick-draining asphalt, so that there's always something to ride even when conditions are poor, which as we all know, is a lot of the time (literally like right now)!
The details are still being worked out, but we have several interested contractors who "know the flow", and can't wait to see what their proposals look like! Does this sound exciting? Stay tuned...

Alright, if you've been paying attention, you may have guessed this is an April Fool's joke. And you would be correct. After your blood pressure crescendos, read on.
With the Phase 1 and 2 rebuild projects, we're not focusing on flow trail, huge features, or gnar. We ARE focusing on what the trail system currently lacks, creating opportunities for beginner and intermediate riders, increasing sustainability of the trails, and being able to open the trails sooner after crappy weather. We also plan to improve the overall fun factor, and take advantage of natural features whenever possible. All this, on less than half of the total trail system. AND, we have plans to expand and improve the more technical trails, namely Holy Schist and Pokerville. Show up at the workday on May 14 and help out! But we have to address the sustainability and inclusiveness, too. I hope this makes sense.
What you love about Blue Mound will not be going away. The trail stewards have a pretty good sense of how the trail system is perceived. We've been working to address the common complaints, but there's a balancing act between managing the natural rawness of the current trails, and being more inclusive and opening the door to riders of various skill levels. We need your faith in us that we can get this right. And your money, or preferably someone else's money.
Donate to a great project! Tell your employer, local bike shop, and local bike retailer to support this. Go here:
Contact the trail stewards.