Hi Chuck,
Not to worry.
The DNR changed the format of the meeting. In order to head off a shouting match between the pro- and anti-snomobile trail forces, they banned all public speaking. Instead they met individually with people and are taking written comments from the public.
Until July 30th, you and anyone else can send an email to the DNR in support of the CORP Proposal for Mountain Bike Trails at Blue Mound. Write to:
Tell the DNR you support the CORP proposal which follows here:
A Proposal for the Improvement and Expansion of the
Mountain Bike Trails at Blue Mound State Park
1. Build a bigger, better trail system at Blue Mound State Park. CORP seeks official approval of all existing and currently incomplete bike trails. In addition, we propose the construction of a new trail loop, to be located in the north-west boundary area of the park. We want Blue Mound to achieve “Epic†trail status.
2. Increase ridership by converting some intermediate trail into beginner-friendly trail. CORP has done a great job of providing expert riders with challenging trails. More beginner-level trails are needed at Blue Mound to attract a wider range of trail users.
3. Increase the profitability of the park. Improved trails with better accessibility for beginners, and more trail miles for everyone, will increase visitation and result in selling more trail passes and vehicle stickers.
1. Improve accessibility for beginner riders by modifying the Short Mound Loop (see attached map) to make it easy to ride.
a. Nearly all small and medium rocks will be removed from the tread.
b. The tread will be widened.
c. Large rock features will have alternate, easy ride-arounds built.
d. Stream bed crossings will be improved to make them less challenging to cross.
e. Areas with steep climbs will be rerouted with reduced slope for greater sustainability.
f. Reroutes to the Short Mound Loop built in 2013 and 2014 have begun the process.
2. Upgrade trail in other areas of the park.
a. Over Lode will be improved to reduce overall difficulty, but increase fun.
i. Steep trail sections will be rerouted to have their grade reduced.
ii. Trail will be rerouted around old roadbeds.
iii. Climbing turns will be improved to in-sloped turns.
iv. The result we will aim for is “flow trailâ€, accessible with optional challenge.
b. Holy Schist will have eroded trail sections rerouted or repaired, but will remain expert.
i. The endmost section was rerouted in 2010, eliminating heavily eroded trail.
ii. The boundary adjustment reroute built in 2014 was designed to eliminate some more eroded fall-line trail, and some great new features were added.
iii. Another reroute to eliminate eroded, fall-line trail has been approved and work began in 2015.
3. Expand the trails to complete CORP’s long-term vision of the trail system.
a. Finish the Pokerville trail loop. This will add expert, sustainable trail to the system.
b. Add a new loop in the northwest area of the park (see attached map).
c. Some additional trail in Over Lode and Holy Schist will be added to meet the 20 mile requirement for International Mountain Bicycling Association’s Epic status.