
    Blue Mound recent ride reports

    Jay Gunderson
    Trail Steward

    January 14, 2016, 10:02 AM

    Snow conditions change quickly, the temperature, sun and wind greatly affect the trail and the ride experience.

    When you are out on the trail, please add some notes of what the trail and weather conditions were.


    Jay Gunderson
    Trail Steward

    January 14, 2016, 10:09 AM

    On trail this morning at 6am and 20° surface is solid and very sticky. A few bike tracks were laid down ahead of us after yesterday's dusting of snow. No one in the park except bikers.

    It's still rough from all the walkers and runners, but Blue Mound offers a unique experience for the feeling of being in the wilderness, so it may be worth putting up with the less than ideal condition. Holy Schist has less damage and is smoother.


    Jay Gunderson
    Trail Steward

    January 17, 2016, 09:37 AM

    The 16th at 3:30, our trail is in worse shape, more runners have been out in the short warm up that we had. I did not hit Holy Schist, it might be better off.

    Opinion.... When the trail is in this damaged condition, don't send any Fat Bike beginners out to Blue Mound, it might give them a bad impression of the sport and the park.

    Still can't beat the long miles and the isolation that the park provides, just disappointing that it went from a somewhat buffed trail to a logging road.



    January 23, 2016, 11:57 AM

    I rode Overlode early this morning. It's similar to Chert Dip and Holy Schist, condition wise. Not quite as packed from traffic but totally ridable. The beginning is rutted up from someone biking when it was slushy. It also has plenty of footprints but they're not horrible unless you're climbing. Tracks and ruts are deepest from the beginning to about the service road. No ruts from the service road on. The trail gets better the farther you go from there. Reversed was really fun! I ran about 6 psi and that worked very well. Big smile on my face after dealing with a lot of potholes last week. :D



    January 28, 2016, 08:05 PM

    Anyone been out there since we had that 4" dump of snow?

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    Gary S

    January 28, 2016, 11:05 PM

    I skied there Wed night and took at look at the trail head and intersections.  From the trail head to 5 corners (Serp Climb) it looked fairly well stomped, though possibly a bit soft still. Holy Schist had only one or two showshoe tracks.  It should firm up overnight tonight but probably soft again Saturday morning through Monday, then more snow Tuesday and Tuesday night.


    Jay Gunderson
    Trail Steward

    February 05, 2016, 09:59 AM

    Peter and I were out Friday and laid two snowshoe tracks down on Home Stretch and Holy Schist then finished up on the Basalty bail. Greg Hack said he was going out last night to do the same.

    Before we started our hike Wednesday night we saw Walt and we discussed that the trail right out of the parking lot was already damaged to a point that it may be difficult to fix with out a groomer. We made a decision to let that part of the trail go to to the hikers and we will just maintain Home Stretch, Holy Schist and Basalty with the idea that both of those trailheads are far enough from the parking lot that we will have less hiker damage on them.

    Hopefully next year we can have proper trail signage and an educational system in place, along with a groomer to help limit the damage so that we can go back to having the complete loop to ride.


    Nate W.
    Club Raconteur

    February 05, 2016, 04:07 PM

    I followed your tracks with another stomping pass this afternoon...I went slow and tried to stomp the heck out of the trail. I think tomorrow early morning will be pretty good.

    Get some tracks on it!

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    Jay Gunderson
    Trail Steward

    February 07, 2016, 08:57 AM

    With the warm up today and it being a busy day for hikers at the park, it would be great if someone can get out with snowshoes late today after the hikers go home and smooth out the hiker/dog damage.

    With the up coming deep freeze in the forecast, we should have a week almost two of solid trail conditions.


    Jay Gunderson
    Trail Steward

    February 09, 2016, 08:52 PM

    I did the loop around the Mound today, I think I was the first bike tracks since Saturday night. The park had another 1"+ of snow on the trail on top of a deep, mostly packed base.

    We have a great stretch of weather coming up with traffic the trail will be smooth, sticky, fast and fun. Make time to get out and ride.


    Jay Gunderson
    Trail Steward

    February 14, 2016, 03:54 PM

    Huge amount of riders, saw 30+ bikes coming and going around noon.


    Jay Gunderson
    Trail Steward

    February 26, 2016, 10:21 AM

    I got out early this morning, still plenty of snow in the park. If the forecast holds and the temps are below freezing overnight, go early tomorrow morning and you can get one more ride in before the warm up. A few icy spots, but otherwise good traction



    March 02, 2016, 10:14 AM

    Any updates from the Mound?  I'm planning to get out there tonight with the expectation of a little snow over frozen dirt.


    Jay Gunderson
    Trail Steward

    March 03, 2016, 07:42 AM

    Missed your post yesterday we didn't get out to snowshoe and pack it in after this last snow. Compared to other trails, I assume there is a surprising amount of snow on the Mound.

    Without grooming was it ride-able?



    May 24, 2016, 07:45 AM

    So what's the current status trail conditions?  I heard that the  trails are technically open, but that Holy Schist is a muddy mess. Anyone know?  I'm hoping to head out this afternoon.

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