
    Overlode Cleanup


    March 20, 2017, 05:13 PM

    Hey Gary,

    I headed out to Overlode today about 2pm. I cleared out the three down trees between the trail head and service road. Nothing a sharp 21" bow saw didn't cut through nicely. The biggest was about 7" diameter. Like butter. Gonna tackle the other three trees tomorrow. I have some time to burn and need a workout.

    Trail conditions: The first 50 feet past the Overlode trail head sign is standing water/mud. After that everything up to the service road ranges from tacky to slimey. No major damage from the two walker/dog tracks I saw.

    I'm wondering if it's ok for me to park in the service road up the road from the ball diamond. It would make my trek out to those other trees a bit shorter.

    Thanks, Mike


    Gary S

    March 20, 2017, 06:02 PM

    Thanks Mike! If you're talking about the service road that's on that corner, I park off the road all the time, but I would not recommend blocking the service entrance. Also, if you ever need to park on the other side of Over Lode, there is a service gate on Ryan road where the trail crosses, you can park between the service gate entrance and the trail crossing. It's flat enough and you can get far enough off the road. Thanks again! edit: make sure your vehicle has a park sticker.



    March 20, 2017, 07:11 PM

    Thanks for the information. I might try that Ryan Rd. spot. It should be closer to at least a couple of the trees. And yes, I always have my park sticker on my car. I basically live out there, especially in the summer.



    March 21, 2017, 04:23 PM

    Two more trees cleared, two to go. They might need a chainsaw but I'll keep you posted. Also, a couple hikers have hacked up the trail pretty good in spots. Must have been last week when it was nice and soggy. Should dry to a nice new washboard finish. Blah.


    Gary S

    March 21, 2017, 05:15 PM

    Thanks Mike! Please work within your comfort zone, leave anything that is too large or looks dangerous. Sorry to hear about the hiker damage. Unfortunately, due in part to lack of funding for the state park system, there is very little enforcement and people can't help themselves to being thoughtless. Take some pictures, email them to me at admin@madcitydirt.com, I'll use them for social media and signs to continue the education battle.



    March 22, 2017, 04:01 PM

    All the downed trees have been cleared off of Overlode as of today. Unless something else fell or falls in the couple sections I haven't walked this week, everything should be good to go when it gets dry enough (I hope that's sooner than later).

    Could have ridden this morning around 9 (perfect frozen ground) when the temp said 24 but by 11:30 when the temp said 30 it was a mud hole. Walking was a bit dicey, hence the big boot marks from the hikers. I got off the trails as soon as I could.

    Next stop, check out Holy Schist.

    P.S. Is Overlode one or two words? :)

    « Last Edit: March 22, 2017, 04:07 PM by MyCow »

    Gary S

    March 23, 2017, 01:07 AM

    Thanks Mike for helping to get us in front of the downed tree situation.  I haven't been to the park in a couple weeks, so I have no idea how many others are down.  Actually I think there is one right at the end of one of the trails, either the bailout before Holy Schist, or at the end of Holy Schist itself.  We'll be ramping things up soon, hopefully.

    You're exempt from closed trails (boot marks, etc) if you're doing trail work, and being mindful of where you step.

    Over Lode is supposed to be split into two words, but the park has it as one.  So far I've seen/heard Overlode, Overload, Overlord.  Whatever.
