
    An update with City discussions and plan for this year

    Former Trail Steward - Quarry Park | Former Vice President - Operations

    October 07, 2013, 10:50 AM


    Met with the City parks manager for west side.   We walked trails, showed her what we have done and showed her the plan.  I asked for some things and gave some confirmation on how we can help.

    Pass this all along to those that are NOT on this forum yet but should be,  this is where we will list trail days and updates!

    1) City is going to work on getting us more dirt,  lots more.  I told her we can use as much as possible.  It will not be nice top soil but good trail making,  hopefulyl not rocky (told her least rocky better).  THey will give us a dat and we will schedule a work day on that.
    2) We are to finish the outside flow flow loop  we have planned out,  she would like to see this.  Then after that we fill in jumps (tables),  fix the step downs on the south side.  We will be building more table jumps in the flow line to keep speed,  but we need to fill in lines to make them smoother for the flow loop
    3) She will get us a garbage can again
    4) They are going to see about letting us keep a small tool locker,  shovels......  stay tuned
    5) She was cool with what is being done and what is there (with exception of the step down sketchiness, which we will fix).  She values us
    6) We need to work more with neighborhood association and friends of quarry park (clean up garbage and garlic mustard),  she was going to get us in touch with the right people on this.
    7) I need to follow up with getting a small ride behind machine to help move dirt,  but now they can get into the center with the improved road they made.

    So there you have it,  I may have missed something but its all positive!   I will get a work day scheduled when I know when we will get more dirt,  its coming before the end of the year,  be patience.

    Thanks for all of the help peoples!!!!!!!  This is going to be a huge improvement and we can make more kick ass lines




    October 07, 2013, 12:13 PM

    Not bad for a skinny white boy.  8)

    I'll be there with shovel in hand.


    Former Club President
    I ride bikes

    October 07, 2013, 12:58 PM

    Dan this is great and thanks for taking your time to talk to the city.  Let me/us know what CORP can do to help.  Regarding the neighborhood/friends groups can you get a feel if the QP riders want to have CORP involved in any official capacity or not?

    ~ i like social d


    Former President
    Board Member

    October 08, 2013, 10:25 PM

    I am pretty sure the friends group never got off the ground; I was involved in some talk about it a couple years ago and it sort of fizzled, though something may have happened since then.  There are some neighborhood folks who are interested, and I never heard anyone say anything bad about bikers, but it didn't seem like anyone was interested in leading a formal group.


    Former Trail Steward - Quarry Park | Former Vice President - Operations

    October 10, 2013, 12:03 PM

    Thanks all


    *City will not allow us to keep a locker at Quarry park,  for now and we will tackle this later
    *Dirt is at the park,  work day will be scheduled for next Thurs.  Oct 17th.  I will put a separate post for that.
    *I reasked the city about the neighborhood and if she has nothing we will go from there,  for now we are good.  I think in the spring we get more connected with a trail day to get garlic mustard and such.

    Stay tuned.



    October 11, 2013, 05:02 PM

    Nice work Dan- Dan is the man!  I'll be there with hand tools.  Garlic MUstard is beyond hope out there, just FYI.  There is to much seed in the soil you would have to pull every year for 7 years to eradicate it.  Digging out honey suckle would be a more do-able invasives project for PR... my two cents.

    Let me know if and when you need a saw- I have all the quals the City needs.  They would need to see training certs I am sure.
