BadMontsoSeminole Administrator
Doesn't have to look pretty, just has to work.
October 01, 2015, 03:19 PM
Seminole will be having a week of Work Days starting Monday Sept. 28th.
We will break the week into 2 sessions with no work on Wednesday.
A machine and operator will be onsite to help accelerate our progress!
This last push should finish trail-building at Seminole!
Monday 28th -Bench cut EXIT TRAIL
Tuesday 29th -Bench and push corners out on BLUE LOOP
Wednesday 30th - NO TRAIL WORK
Thursday 1st -Clean up from machine tread work
Friday 2nd - Re-enforce water control measures
Saturday 3rd -Work on adding fun/ skills elements
More details to follow...........
We will be out finishing trail work on Sunday the 4th as well.
~ "All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage and I promise something great will come out of it"
Benjamin Mae, We Bought a Zoo
