Blue Mound State Park is an easy ride out the Military Ridge Trail from Madison, so why not ride your bike out
CORPFest? A few of us are planning to do just that; meet at the Quarry Ridge Shelter at 9:00, and we'll head out that way at a mellow pace. Plan is to grab some lunch in Mt Horeb and get to the park between 1:00 and 1:30, though no harm in taking longer, going faster, starting later, or whatever floats your boat. We have one campsite reserved which will serve a few people, and the park will accommodate bike campers who don't have a reservation, so the fact that all the campsites are booked shouldn't stop you. CORPFest includes dinner, and we'll grab breakfast at Hooterville on the way home, so no need to load up with alot of food. It will be a good time, hope to see you there!