
    Public Meeting - Sheehan Park Trails - Monday, March 23rd - Please Attend

    March 11, 2015, 10:10 AM

    The Sun Prairie Bicycle Advocacy Group will be hosting a public meeting on Monday, March 23rd, from 6-8pm at Creekside Elementary School.

    We need you to attend a meeting in support of mountain bike trails in Sun Prairie.

    We've already run into some opposition and are offering this meeting for the community to weigh in regarding their interest and concerns. We are encouraging anyone who supports the idea of single track trails in Sheehan Park in Sun Prairie to attend this meeting. The bigger the showing, the more support will be seen by the City staff, the Parks and Rec Commission and the community. Please plan to attend with friends, family, neighbors, anyone who rides, runs hikes or might potentially use the trails. Consider Scouts, snow shoers, geocachers, etc.

    We will update this post as often as possible. Visit the Sun Prairie Moves website for updates on the proposed single track trails.

    « Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 11:33 AM by Gary S »