
    back to back 5am rollouts.....

    Former Club President
    I ride bikes

    April 20, 2012, 09:40 PM


    Going out for some BALLS miles Saturday and Sunday mornings.  5am rollout from the Trader Joes area.  While the wifee and kiddos are sleeping I'll be building miles.  Heading out the southwest commuter path then either badger state or mil ridge for two hours out then reverse.  I'm sure I'll be solo but I thought I'd mention it....

    ~ i like social d


    Trail Steward - The Farm
    Trail Steward

    April 21, 2012, 12:53 PM

    The real reason Nelson is starting at 5AM is to practice starting that early. With a 2+ hour head start on everybody he hopes to not be the last one in at the end of the day  ;D

    ~ Here uncultivated acres wait prime for adventure....back 40


    Former Club President
    I ride bikes

    April 21, 2012, 01:57 PM

    Yes I need all the time I can get...

    ~ i like social d
