
    Fall 2015 Quarry Ridge Trail Work - 10/23 through 10/25

    October 13, 2015, 03:42 PM

    We will be adding and enhancing more trail features at Quarry Ridge. Improvements are planned for most all of the trails in addition to repairing any erosion or drainage issues and clearing brush.

    Please sign up with SignUpGenius to confirm the date/time you can assist.

    Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are the main work days and we will generally be working from 8 am until dusk. We will post a more detailed schedule and plan closer to the event. Any help is appreciated. Most volunteers assist for 3-5 hours on a given day. With many volunteers, we are able to accomplish a lot!

    We will be using an excavator to move most of the material and do all the heavy lifting. Volunteers will primarily do the final shaping and smoothing of the dirt.

    The general schedule will be:
    Friday - Rebuild many of the features on Drop Zone
    Saturday - Move towards the Three Sisters and B. Line area for trail adjustments. Extra volunteers needed to install rock armoring on B. Line.
    Sunday - Rebuild and enhance berms at the top of Bottoms Up and Drop Zone. Continue working on Three Sisters and B. Line in the afternoon.
    We will be using an excavator to move most of the material and do all the heavy lifting. Volunteers will primarily do the final shaping and smoothing of the dirt.

    Please sign up for all the slots for when you intend to participate. In general, we are able to plan an organize the event more efficiently, and have tasks for everyone, if you complete the signup. If extra volunteers arrive, we should still have plenty for you to do.

    « Last Edit: October 14, 2015, 04:52 AM by Renegade Rick »