(at the moment I've got some poison ivy) but in general I don't join the no-drop-rides because there are too many 'features' I just can't do or too chicken to do . . . so what happens if I get off bike and walk through those sections?
I would say our "no drop ride" is a little different than a road ride version because everyone is at different skill levels. We get a count of how many start the ride, and then go out at our own pace. Every mile or so at group spaces we'll wait for everyone in the group to catch up. If you've ridden the trails before, our first meetup place is the bench after the creekside trails.
Towards the end of the ride there are some riders (I'm usually guilty) who want to keep going, and some that want to split off and go back to the cafe. Just make sure someone knows what you want to do and we'll try to keep parts of the group together.
From what you said, come out and ride tonight! We'll make it work, and you won't be alone