
    Snowmobile access at Blue Mound

    Walt Hougas
    Trail Steward - Blue Mound SP
    To Be A Man...

    November 27, 2014, 10:08 AM

    My first meeting with the Friends of Blue Mound included much discussion about the proposed snowmobile route through Blue Mound State Park. At this time I have no reason to believe any snowmobile access would adversely impact the bike trails. It is not clear that skiing or fat bike access would be affected either, other than the noise of the machines.

    The Friends group is strongly opposed to having snowmobile access to the park on the grounds that it has been a silent sports park, and having a snowmobile trail through the park may not be necessary. It's not clear that the surrounding property owners have been approached by the snowmobile club.

    It does appear that the DNR has not followed its own rules with regards to following the legal permitting process for putting in new trails.

    I don't want to post a lot of information on the CORP forums that may not affect most of our members. I will pass along the name of anyone who wants to be on the special interest group mailing list from the Friends regarding this issue. I can also post information here if there is sufficient interest.




    November 28, 2014, 02:31 PM

    It does appear that the DNR has not followed its own rules with regards to following the legal permitting process for putting in new trails.

    Well that's a little annoying considering they have been suck sticklers about Pokerville.

    I too appreciate a quite place to enjoy outdoor sports in the winter, in fact the silence can be one of the most amazing things about it. However, if CORP supporting snowmobiles at BM can be traded for fatbike access to snowmobile trails, or at least for good will, it would be worth considering.

    Thanks for keeping us informed.


    Walt Hougas
    Trail Steward - Blue Mound SP
    To Be A Man...

    December 07, 2014, 08:28 AM

    Hi Frank,

    There has been no indication that bicycles would be allowed on the snowmobile trails in or out of the park. I'll let everyone know if this changes.

