
    Blue Mound Conditions 1-6-15

    Nate W.
    Club Raconteur

    January 06, 2015, 12:25 PM


    I just tracked from the pool parking lot, including the correct Beginner reroute (I think), around to Holy Schist, then back to the pool via Basalty Bail. I started down Holy Schist but turned around because I'm not confident I'd stay on the trail.

    I'd say Blue Mound got about 3-4". Conditions should be good and we have a trail to follow as we get more snow.

    Despite what your weather app says, it's actually pretty nice in the woods. Get out there!


    Jay Gunderson
    Trail Steward

    January 06, 2015, 02:09 PM

    I did the same loop last night, looked to be about 4 sets of tracks down before me. It was just starting to get fast but, the snow was coming down hard about 7pm

    Holy Schist does not look to have a track on it since Saturday, the snow is not really deep enough to justify snowshoeing it but, it'd be a tough ride. Is someone up for the challenge? We need a set of tracks laid down on it.


    Nate W.
    Club Raconteur

    January 06, 2015, 04:19 PM

    My tracks from today are snow shoes...not enough snow to make them necessary bit I thought it would be good to get a trail stomped in.

    Maybe I'll head out tomorrow and stomp some...or maybe even give it a shot on the bike.


    Nate W.
    Club Raconteur

    January 08, 2015, 05:24 PM

    Snow shoe tracks all the way around Holy Schist today. I know it's snowing and blowing right now, but I think it'll firm up nicely underneath whatever snow we get today.

    The stuff I shoed the other day was really nice and firm. Get some more tracks on it!


    Jay Gunderson
    Trail Steward

    January 09, 2015, 08:20 AM

    Thanks for getting a trial in, I hope to get out twice this weekend.  Lets get some tracks down, the week ahead looks like potential for great trail conditions, we just need more riders on it.


    Nate W.
    Club Raconteur

    January 09, 2015, 10:01 AM

    Heading out today again with the bike. Hope to lay down a full lap around the mound...we'll see how much snow we actually got.


    Tim Barber
    Board Member at Large

    January 09, 2015, 10:06 AM

    Hoping to take the afternoon off and head out there for a lap


    Jay Gunderson
    Trail Steward

    January 09, 2015, 10:59 AM

    Thanks for getting some tracks down.

     Dirk and I are hitting it Noon Saturday and 8:30 Sunday.


    Nate W.
    Club Raconteur

    January 09, 2015, 03:32 PM

    Got a lap all the way around the mound. I'll be honest and say that was one of the toughest rides I've had in recent memory. You'll notice lots of boot tracks next to my tire tracks, especially on Holy Schist.

    Get some tracks on it!


    Jay Gunderson
    Trail Steward

    January 11, 2015, 02:45 PM

    Got out twice, it's tough. We need some warmer weather to get some packable snow, current conditions certainly tests the skills. Close to freezing temp this afternoon, hopefully someone was able to get on the trail late today.

    According to the park staff as of noon Saturday morning she saw 25 bikes come through, more bikes than hikers, snowshoers or skiers!. With that many bikes we just need some better snow to make for some amazing trails.

    It might be tough but, it sure beats being on a trainer!



    Nate W.
    Club Raconteur

    January 12, 2015, 10:21 AM

    Headed out again this afternoon...


    Nate W.
    Club Raconteur

    January 12, 2015, 11:00 AM

    Spike did you guys go around holy schist?


    Jay Gunderson
    Trail Steward

    January 12, 2015, 11:09 AM

    No we short cutted holy schist at the first loop where the trails get close together. It was slow, excuse is we might have missed the start of the Packer game but, in reality I don't think Im was tough enough for it. Might have been best to go in reverse and finish on the easier stuff.


    Nate W.
    Club Raconteur

    January 12, 2015, 05:47 PM

    Laid down 2 more sets of tracks on Holy Schist...out and back. My advice is to hit it first (backwards) when you have the legs. I'd say it was about 80% more rideable today compared to Friday.

    The other trails that got more traffic over the weekend were much faster...traction like Velcro.


    Jay Gunderson
    Trail Steward

    January 14, 2015, 09:01 AM

    Thanks for the update, glad to hear it's finally stiffening up.

    I'll try to get another track or two on it tonight.
