
    Good lord

    August 08, 2013, 09:45 PM

    I have an idea...I'll start a public, membership fee based organization and then advertise "private" trails.

    Make this trail public or take it off the website. If it's invitation only there's no need for a listing on this website. It serves no purpose other than to make CORP seem exclusionary.

    I recently joined this organization and I am:
      1) Extremely surprised that Madison, supposedly one of the most cycling friendly cities in the Midwest, boasts so few trails and such a lousy mountain biking culture
      2) A little concerned that anyone can stay entertained with so few ride spots and so little room for creativity...mountain biking is supposed to be a laid back sport for those of us who aren't interested in following the rules. Trails need not be built with permits or regulations in mind, just fun and adventure
      3) Appalled that I had to spend $50 to have access to a trail system that is nothing short of impish...and to think Madison prides itself on its cycling...the riding here is about as diverse as the population
      4)  Moving back out west as soon as I can


    Technical Terrain (TTF) Crew

    August 08, 2013, 10:19 PM

    This post reeks of maturity and experience  gained from working with landowners and municipalities......

    Can you point out where membership is a prerequisite for riding this trail? I only see that invitations are to come from CORP members. Prospective members are encouraged to hang out with us and ride the trails and if they like what they see then hopefully they join the club. No one forced you to spend your hard earned cash on something you are not happy with.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I547 using Tapatalk 4 Beta


    August 08, 2013, 10:43 PM

    Perhaps the laws and traditions vary from state to state, but where I'm from no one would dream of making anyone pay for a bike ride, nor would they build a trail that wasn't completely open to anyone and everyone



    August 08, 2013, 10:49 PM

    Just the other day Farmguy was asking for help weedwwacking. By reading through previous posts you would find this could be all it would take to get access to the trail. When I first moved here, I was a little put off by the trail permits, but if you think about it it's not really fair to ask the tax payer to pay for these trails, their upkeep, and the equipment it requires, especially when the vast majority will never even see a mtb/snowshoe trail. By the way all trails aren't subject to the permit just county/state land. The Farm is on private property if I'm not mistaken.

    « Last Edit: August 08, 2013, 10:52 PM by DirtDiggler »

    Trail Steward - CamRock
    Trail Steward

    August 08, 2013, 11:19 PM

    I wonder why such an intelligent, friendly, open minded, giving person such as this is not finding himself feeling welcome here ::)
    Obviously it is CORP, Madison, and the entire State of Wisconsin that are the issues.
    He must go home to that cool place he is from now :'( 
    Did he mention he is from out West?

    ~ Chuck Hutchens


    Middleton Bike Park Trail Steward
    Trail Steward

    August 08, 2013, 11:26 PM

    You'll have to help me on how to have trails everywhere when this area has more people than some whole states.

    Go ride where you want but remember this is a CC state with a reputation for drunkenness.

    Maybe with time you'll understand why the private riding opportunities are as they are. I can best speak for Blackhawk. It costs a lot to have the land, equipment, programs and pay the bills. Bought any Pisten Bullys or sent anybody to the Olympics lately?

    You're very welcome to join us paid or not but we usually call each other a$$es farther down the road.




    August 08, 2013, 11:33 PM

    I am completely stoked to finally get to use the 'Smite-Me' button!



    August 09, 2013, 08:51 AM

    Recall mountain biking.  I didn't get to ride for free.

    Go back to Russia wishiwaselsewhere , you are clueless.



    August 09, 2013, 09:14 AM

    Why I share sentiments of many of the replies here, I can agree with one point: why is the Farm listed if it's not public?

    I know we can invite people and whatnot, but if I'm Joe Smoe from out of town visiting for a day and I just check the site for local trails to ride, that doesn't seem very helpful to list a "secret" trail. And I wouldn't hedge my bets on getting a forum reply fast enough to get someone out there or directions, etc.


    Tim Barber
    Board Member at Large

    August 09, 2013, 09:25 AM

    I have an idea...I'll start a public, membership fee based organization and then advertise "private" trails.

    Make this trail public or take it off the website. If it's invitation only there's no need for a listing on this website. It serves no purpose other than to make CORP seem exclusionary.

    I recently joined this organization and I am:
      1) Extremely surprised that Madison, supposedly one of the most cycling friendly cities in the Midwest, boasts so few trails and such a lousy mountain biking culture
      2) A little concerned that anyone can stay entertained with so few ride spots and so little room for creativity...mountain biking is supposed to be a laid back sport for those of us who aren't interested in following the rules. Trails need not be built with permits or regulations in mind, just fun and adventure
      3) Appalled that I had to spend $50 to have access to a trail system that is nothing short of impish...and to think Madison prides itself on its cycling...the riding here is about as diverse as the population
      4)  Moving back out west as soon as I can

    1.  CORP is anything but exclusionary.  If you bothered to show up to an event, you would realize we have folks from all walks of life, in all different skill levels, riding all sorts of bikes, who enjoy all sorts of beer and comraderie after rides.
    2.  So few trails:  Bluemounds, Camrock, Quarry Ridge, Middleton, the Farm......Trails coming to Fitchburg, Brigham park........so FEW trails......that must be why it is so easy for us to keep them all well-groomed.   How exactly do you think trails get built?
    2.  Culture:  How, pray tell, are you able to form an opinion on the MTB "culture" in Madison when, I venture to guess, you have not participated in one workday, groupride, or a meeting?  Nothing like ragging on a group of people you have never bothered to meet.
    3.  Trails on public land need permits to be built, volunteers to maintain them.  rogue building and rogue riding = trails closing and volunteers being kicked out. That is a fact of life. 
    4.  You do not have to join CORP to ride the trails in Dane County.  You do need a county park pass.
    5.  The Farm is private because it is built on private land--one of our members' backyards.  You don't need to be a member to ride it, but we do ask that you bother yourself to get acquainted with the people that built it and spend their free time maintaining it. 


    Gary S

    August 09, 2013, 09:47 AM

    I was just thinking it had been awhile since I'd seen a troll. I'm truly sorry that our trails here in mountainous southern WI do not live up to your expectations.

    P.s. I've ridden some trails out west that are horse crap...literally.



    August 09, 2013, 09:57 AM

             Just wanted to add my $.02 ( Where's the dang "cents" key?).  When I first moved to Madison 3 years ago I wanted to meet people to ride with and learn more about the local bike scene, CORP was perfect for this.  I recently acquired a new ride after having to sell my old FSR a few years ago and I can't explain how rad it is to get back on the trails that you guys make possible.  I can ride a mile to QR and bust out a few laps or drive to Cam-Roc or Blue Mounds in 20 min.  Compared to riding in the Fox Cities, this place is a Mecca.  There are always going to be "haters" but rest assured, they are far out numbered by people that really appreciate what you guys do!  That said, I d really like to ride at the farm on Sunday, I've never been there and I figured this would be a good time to ask. If anyone can help me out with this Id appreciate it.

    Thanks again!

    oh also I'm pretty sure Wisconsin is home to one of the nations largest amateur off road race series in the country so there that too


    Nate W.
    Club Raconteur

    August 09, 2013, 10:01 AM

    oh also I'm pretty sure Wisconsin is home to one of the nations largest amateur off road race series in the country so there that too

    If I'm not mistaken, it's the biggest in the nation.



    August 09, 2013, 11:20 AM

    Wow!  Bitching about bike permits and their cost?  Really?  Too cheap to spring for a Dane County MTB permit at $16 before he unloads his $4000 bike off his $300 rack attached to his dad's $40,000 SUV?  He probably continues to moan as he swills $6 bottles of beer after the ride and spends $40 at the gas pump. 

    If you knew how much effort and time goes into convincing city, county and state park professionals to trust their public lands to a group of insane MTBers that want to erect ramps, rails, and teeter-totters, you would appreciate that we have any MTB trails at all.  We all want more challenging rides (my thanks to the TTF.)  That translates into probable expenses for emergency medical response and, as a burdened taxpayer, my tax dollars should not be budgeted for your self-inflicted mishaps.  Far better being directed at detox, prisons, and high school sports.  Think of these fees as a group insurance policy allowing you to ride with reckless abandon.

    Just be thankful that the powers-to-be have not decided that you have to register every bike, put a plate on it, and carry an insurance card.  Non-bikers are vocal about this.



    August 09, 2013, 01:50 PM

    1)  fifty bucks? Steep?  I dunno.  That's every mountain bike trail in the state system plus a park close to work for blowing off steam.  it costs, sure- but cheaper than most gym memberships and WAY more fun (IMO)

    2) You don't need to be a member of CORP  to ride at any of the trails. (i, for instance, am not a member but I show up and help out when I can and we do send CORP a check every year -whatever we can spare- cause they are some hard working folks).  They are, on the other hand, pretty much a bunch of elitist snots.  last time I showed up for a work day it was almost ten whole seconds before they thanked me for coming out, and when we were done- I bet it was at least TWICE that long before someone offered me a beer or soda.  jerks

    3) anyone who thinks that Madison is a bike mecca should stop believing every thing they read.

    4) the phrase "bike culture" makes my ears bleed

    5) numbered lists in a rant are dumb (see what I did there?)

    6) spend even an afternoon helping out building trails and you will realize that a) trail building is an ass-ton of work b) you're probably too tired to piss and moan any more*

    the nice thing about riding in the vicinity of cry-babies = once the trail turns uphill, you don't have to listen to them any more.

    *holey CRAP lettered sub-points in a numbered list- this guy means BUSINESS!!!!!

    ~ Heavily caffeinated, for your protection.

    « Last Edit: August 09, 2013, 01:56 PM by Ride_Wrench_Repeat. »