

    aka Ben

    March 28, 2012, 03:49 PM

    What exactly is the top secret status of the trail currently?  There is (or at least was) a sign at the trailhead saying it was only open to folks who had done 8 hours of service for the club in the last year and the official "trails" page here says it is still secret but I recall a discussion at the end of the year group ride out there about how more people riding it through the year would help keep it in better shape and that possibly it should be less of a secret. 


    blackbike (Scot E)
    None more black

    March 29, 2012, 10:26 AM

    Greg's land, he gets to answer.
    But he told me last year that he definitely would prefer people riding it to keep it in good shape.
    Personally I've liked the idea of it being a perk of being a CORP member but that escorted guests would be welcome. 

    ~ Look up on the wall baby, hand me down my shootin' iron.
    Call your mother long distance, tell her to expect your body home.



    March 29, 2012, 10:34 AM

    Again, Greg will give the official answer but what we have been working with the past few years is that any riders at The Farm should be paid up CORP members.  We haven't really been adhering to any hours requirement.

    ~ I like beer and men


    Trail Steward - The Farm

    March 29, 2012, 11:16 PM

    The Scott's are right. There are no hours requirements. I prefer to think of it as a "members trail" but it is certainly OK to bring non-member friends out to ride with you. As Scott Ellis said, I would like to see it get used a little more to keep it broke in.

    Just remember, it is on private land and there is no parking other than along the road. So far the neighbors have been very receptive and I have not had any complaints, I hope to keep it that way. Most people I talk to in the madison area seem to have heard about the trail so I'm not sure how secrect it is anymore. But I'm still asking that directions not be posted on the internet.

    ~ Here uncultivated acres wait prime for adventure....back 40


    aka Ben

    March 30, 2012, 10:34 AM

    Thanks for clarifying.  I guess I'll have to start handing some $ over to CORP instead of just my time to stay legal out there. 


    Former Club President
    I ride bikes

    March 30, 2012, 11:41 AM

    I guess I'll have to start handing some $ over to CORP

    I hope you don't get the impression that we don't appreciate your time invested in building trails.  We do, in fact the time has been the most important thing over the past few years.  The club is in a transition to a new way of doing business and it is really helpful if our membership (paid/and unpaid) take the time and small financial effort and join the IMBA (selecting us as the local affiliate).  That support gets our numbers up and gives us a larger platform to influence local riding policy and opportunities.

    ~ i like social d


    aka Ben

    March 30, 2012, 01:50 PM

    No problem.  I meant that as a joke.  I was planning to officially join up sometime this spring anyway.


    Middleton Bike Park Trail Steward
    Trail Steward

    March 30, 2012, 01:59 PM

    No problem.  I meant that as a joke.  I was planning to officially join up sometime this spring anyway.

    I can vouch that you're made of the good stuff if showing up at work days AND working counts.




    March 30, 2012, 02:33 PM

    I think from a liability perspective we need to be careful about saying its only for paid CORP members, right? Otherwise CORP/Greg could be at risk of not falling under the Wisconsin recreational use statute that protects those who don't charge for use of private land.
