
    Forum Cleanup

    Gary S

    March 09, 2016, 10:09 PM

    Greetings CORP forum users,

    Some of you may have noticed that some changes have been made to the forums.  This was done in an effort to consolidate and otherwise clean up the site.  Some users have brought up that the site is hard to use and hard to find things.

    The following forums have been hidden from view, and the last year or so worth of threads were moved to other areas:

    Special Events (former category)
    - Pitch Black Singletrack - discontinued
    - B.A.L.L.S - consolidated to Group Rides, Bike Trips, and Events

    Group Rides, Events, Races
    - Reports about Rides, and Events - consolidated to Group Rides, Bike Trips, and Events

    General Category
    - General Discussion - hidden/discontinued.  A forum should exist for pretty much anything you want to talk about

    Other Local MTB Organizations (former category)
    - Sun Prairie Trail Advocacy Effort (consolidated to Trailbuilding and Advocacy)
    - VBC Viking Biking Club (consolidated to Group Rides, Bike Trips, and Events)

    If you find that a particular action that was taken that was unwarranted, or if you have any other questions, post here  and leave some feedback, or contact me directly.
