

    September 01, 2016, 11:51 AM

    First, thanks for what you guys are doing - it is very appreciated (even though yo likely hear more about the problems than the praise.)

    So on to the problem  ;D   All the Trail Condition Reports sub-forums have a statement at the bottom of each:
    Want to be notified whenever these trail conditions change? Use the notify button on the forum or the star in Tapatalk.
    However, unlike most of the other forum topics, I find no notify button anywhere on those.  As its nice to be notified if your favorite trail this would be nice to have (or have back.)

    If I'm just being dumb and missing something, please feel free to publicly chastise me or throw rotton produce!

    (Ms. MS, DiaperBiker, Jack Lumber, Zombiker)

    ~ Singlespeed - Its all about the motor, not the transmission


    Gary S

    September 01, 2016, 12:14 PM

    It's there. Click into a specific trail. If you're on a mobile device, rotate it to landscape.



    September 01, 2016, 01:12 PM

    Nope, its really not (or I'm completely losing my mind - can't rule that out.)  Or at least its not on PC in Chrome, IE 11 or Firefox 47.0. I didnt find it there via mobile either, portrait or landscape.  I am logged in and can do notifications for other forums (such as this one - which notified me when you replied).  Here's a link to an image of that page as its shown to me (in Chrome).


    I used to manage some other forums - sometimes a regular user experience is different from various admin/moderator level access.

    ~ Singlespeed - Its all about the motor, not the transmission


    Gary S

    September 01, 2016, 01:33 PM

    Ok, thanks for that info. I made a permission change. Can you try again?



    September 01, 2016, 01:44 PM

    Perfect - works great now!  Thanks

    ~ Singlespeed - Its all about the motor, not the transmission


    Gary S

    September 01, 2016, 09:36 PM

    Perfect - works great now!  Thanks
    Hmm. I should mention that I'm not certain that notifications work with trail conditions due to the way they are processed. When conditions are updated, the new post is created but then the last one is deleted, so there's only ever exactly one post in the thread. It might be the way I have my notifications configured. If you find you are not receiving them, take a look at your notification settings, and post back here if your can't figure it out. RenegadeRick might be able to answer things better.


    Renegade Rick

    September 06, 2016, 04:51 AM

    I think the notifications work. Even though it makes sure there's only one post in the thread, it's always a new post. That's how it works with Tapatalk and twitterfeed and the new posts function. There are member level settings that can adjust how and when you are notified of topics you are subscribed to.
