
    Middleton Parks Survey

    Former President
    Board Member

    May 21, 2020, 09:02 PM

    Help make sure that mountain biking and Biking in general remain a priority for Middleton Parks;  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MiddletonCORP.



    May 22, 2020, 11:03 AM

    In completing the survey I noticed a potential issue for interested MTB riders. For the question, "Which of the following amenities would you like to be added either by public or private entities?" an option exists for, "Off-road mountain biking trails". However, for the question, "Which of the following amenities would you like to be improved or expanded by the City?", this option is not available. The only available option is "Off-Road Walking/Biking Trails". This seems odd, as MTB trails already exist that could be improved. I suggest all taking the survey, who want Pleasant View improvements write-in "Off-road mountain biking trails" in the "other" check box.
    Also note that the favorite park to visit question does not specifically list the Pleasant View Bike Park, only the golf course. I similarly suggest selecting other and writing in, Middleton/Pleasant View Mountain Bike Park.
    Hope this info helps the cause.


    Gary S

    May 25, 2020, 01:01 AM

    Good ideas, I took the survey and that's what I ended up doing, and not because I'm an automaton.  Survey questions are worthier of critique than the responses.

    In completing the survey I noticed a potential issue for interested MTB riders. For the question, "Which of the following amenities would you like to be added either by public or private entities?" an option exists for, "Off-road mountain biking trails". However, for the question, "Which of the following amenities would you like to be improved or expanded by the City?", this option is not available. The only available option is "Off-Road Walking/Biking Trails". This seems odd, as MTB trails already exist that could be improved. I suggest all taking the survey, who want Pleasant View improvements write-in "Off-road mountain biking trails" in the "other" check box.
    Also note that the favorite park to visit question does not specifically list the Pleasant View Bike Park, only the golf course. I similarly suggest selecting other and writing in, Middleton/Pleasant View Mountain Bike Park.
    Hope this info helps the cause.
