
    Reverse overload?

    June 13, 2020, 12:57 PM

    Is it possible to reverse direction on the overload trail, either permanently or have alternating direction days?


    Gary S

    June 13, 2020, 10:40 PM

    Is it possible to reverse direction on the overload trail, either permanently or have alternating direction days?
    Sorry but this is not something the trail stewards are in favor of.  There are a lot of plans for the single track at Blue Mound that have been on hold for about a decade; whatever issues you have going the normal way will probably be dealt with if we can ever proceed with meaningful improvements and changes.  To my knowledge, no trails in the area have alternate direction days, except maybe at private bike parks.



    June 15, 2020, 04:47 PM

    Gary, thanks for the quick reply to my post.   
    I think the overload trail is pretty great. I ride it a lot. However, going the opposite direction allows for slightly more manageable climbs and longer more interesting descents. I have heard people complain about how brutal those climbs are. That turns people off from riding there. The climbing could be made less brutal by reversing the direction of the trail.
    I am wondering why that is something the trail stewards are against?
    If proposed changes have been on hold for a decade maybe this sort of change, where you aren’t altering the trail in any way but change the experience dramatically, is something to think about while all the proposed changes are being hashed out.

    Regarding alternate days, I understand that nearby trails do not currently do that. Why is that a limiting factor?
