
    A Few Quick Recs for the website

    May 20, 2021, 09:36 AM

    I have a couple quick recommendations for the madcitydirt website
    • The links to forum posts from the unread posts page, it would be really really really nice if it took you directly to the new reply rather than the beginning of the thread
    • Multiple-page forums should have page links at the top as well as the bottom
    • The Trail Conditions section on the home page is really nice, because 95% of the time the only 2 things I care about are the color and when it was last updated, and that section fits all one one screen without scrolling (even on mobile!). It would be really nice if a condensed view of just those things was thrown up at the top of the Trails page.
    • Relatedly, it would be nice to have subtext on the homepage card that says how long ago the condition report was updated since the hover preview doesn't work on mobile


    Gary S

    May 20, 2021, 11:12 PM

    I have a couple quick recommendations for the madcitydirt website
    • The links to forum posts from the unread posts page, it would be really really really nice if it took you directly to the new reply rather than the beginning of the thread
    • Multiple-page forums should have page links at the top as well as the bottom
    • The Trail Conditions section on the home page is really nice, because 95% of the time the only 2 things I care about are the color and when it was last updated, and that section fits all one one screen without scrolling (even on mobile!). It would be really nice if a condensed view of just those things was thrown up at the top of the Trails page.
    • Relatedly, it would be nice to have subtext on the homepage card that says how long ago the condition report was updated since the hover preview doesn't work on mobile

    Thanks for the feedback.  I'll buzz Rick, the primary webmaster, but here are my thoughts:

    1. I think it's supposed to take you to the first post in the thread that you haven't read, rather than the last post.  Not 100% sure but I can check with Rick.  I've read all the recent posts so it's hard to test.
    2. Agreed, I think it used to be this way but maybe got lost in a site redesign.  It also probably looks strange in a one-post thread.
    3. Will see what Rick thinks, but this makes sense to me.
    4. Good idea, although I'm inclined to get people clicking into the complete report for details.  Often there's important info in there.  Also, the last update date isn't really indicative of anything, because the conditions are generally updated only when there's a change to report.  I've actually lobbied to get rid of it, because people use it against us sometimes.

    Thanks again,
