
    Fork Maintenance

    March 10, 2017, 11:30 AM

    It is time to consider some basic maintenance for my Reba fork. No issues yet, but I want to avoid problems. Are there any local shops that do this work in-house that can be recommended by forum users or do all shops now send this work out to specialists? Thanks for the assistance!


    Gary S

    March 10, 2017, 04:36 PM

    Good question. I don't know offhand if local shops do the work, or if they just send it in, but it's easy to call and ask. Push Technologies rebuilds a lot of forks and shocks, might be worth looking into if you're going to send it in somewhere.

    I just rebuilt my Pike. It was trying at times, and I had to buy and borrow a few tools, but I learned a lot and next time it will be a lot easier.



    March 10, 2017, 05:38 PM

    I've had basic service (change oil and dust seals) at 2 different shops, Erik's and Trail This. I'm sure other places would be able to do that as well.


    Gary S

    March 10, 2017, 10:29 PM

    I guess it depends what type of service you're looking for.  Removing the lowers and changing the seals and oil isn't too bad of a job, but it's not really going to improve the function of the fork that much (unless they are seriously dried out).  That is basically just keeping the stanchions lubed and preventing dirt from wearing them.  If the fork is working well, then I would recommend that at the least.  If you want the fork to feel like new, you'll want to service the uppers, which is more involved.  I think for most forks, the lowers should be serviced every year, uppers every 2 or 3 depending how much you ride and how picky you are about the feel of your fork.
