The event is being put on in collaboration with Madison Parks; they know there is a need for off-road bike facilities in Madison in general and the north and east sides in particular. The idea of the event is to gauge and build enthusiasm for those, particularly at Warner Park. So we don't need to do alot of lobbying, but a good turnout will confirm their belief that this is a priority.
As far as the Burdocks go, that is County land, so Parks won't have much say there (though there is Parks land close-by). But it will be a decent opportunity to meet and talk about the Burdock's, so look for me there, I'll be at both days.
here for an early version of the MadBATS concept we developed and Parks is running with. I believe they currently have about 80 sites on the table; obviously all those won't get built, but there are alot of possibilities.
Other than that, the event may be the only chance to ride off-road this weekend, given the rain, and I think the skateboarders will have skateboards to try if you in case you haven't been able to break any bones mountain biking.