Hi All,
It’s that time of the year, and things are needing done at MBP. Last year we had good success in taking a “decentralized” approach to some of the work. I’d like to try that again this year. So, I will keep a running list of maintenance tasks here, to be accomplished by volunteers as you have time and inclination. If you are interested in helping out but aren’t sure how, email randy.williams@madcitydirt.com. I would be happy to meet up with you at the toolbox sometime and talk you through getting more active in helping, tool access, how to basic maintenance tasks, etc.
Here is what I am aware of what now in terms of work needing done:
String trimming Fairway
String trimming Mulligan
Clipping down eye level hanging branches -everywhere
Deberming - generally everywhere, but particularly Fairway prairie sections
Stay on the lookout for more organized volunteer days for a few specific projects and finishing the new sections of trail.