
    Introduce yourself!

    Renegade Rick

    May 19, 2014, 08:45 PM

    Sup Wisco MTB'ers. I'll be in Madison for the next month starting tomorrow. I live in Chicago, and am an active CAMBr member.

    I'll be working nonstop for the most part, (most weekends as well). I'm staying near the capitol building. Bringing my MTB, (just got a new Fezzari Timp Peak XT). I'm an experienced mountain biker, but am out of riding shape at the moment. Just got my 1st ride in last week. I prefer technical trails. I've lived in Vegas fora bit and rode NV, AZ, and Utah regularly. Took a vaca to Sedona to ride for a few days in March. I've ridden Blue Mounds and Kettle, but nothing local to Madison.

    Love riding and good beer. Looking forward to checking out the trails and the town. My work will be in Windsor, WI, so if there are any trails on that side of town, that would be convenient for after work rides, let me know. It seems like most the trails are everywhere but the north side of town, but I suspect traffic isn't too bad in Madison. 


    Hello there Trailjumper, sorry I didn't catch your post earlier, long time no see.  Yeah. Ain't much dirt 'round Windsor. All the CORP trails are listed here, Cam Rock might be the closest to your work. If you are staying near the capitol, then there is a tiny non-CORP system down University drive called Quarry Park, it's behind the Whole Foods. You could ride there from where you are staying. Otherwise, there is plenty of beachfront riding and downtown fun. This should be a a good weekend for it. Truth is, you are pretty much in the middle of all the trails. I live near Quarry Ridge which isn't too far away from downtown. Maybe we could hook up for an after work ride one day... I'm aiming for Thursday... but I expect that will fall through and I might not get another chance to get back there until next week.


    Former Club President
    I ride bikes

    May 20, 2014, 11:23 AM

    Rich I'd be happy to ad admin privs to your account if you'd like to help out with tech things like this.  There are currently three of us that can pitch in to help and at times that isn't enough.

    Walt, I'm sorry the pics were deleted.  We only have so much space on the servers (because it is provided free of charge) that every now and then we need to run a scrip to delete older images to free up resources.  Often these are images that are over a year old.  Not sure why these seemingly recent ones would be gone.

    imagemagick can resize images to a specific size or quality, it might be a little more friendly than nuking them.  I'm assuming the server is some flavor of linux, imagemagick is available on most distributions.


    something like this would resize images bigger than a meg by 50%, it would keep resizing them everytime it runs until they get under the quota

    find /imagedir -type f -size +1000k -exec convert {} -resize 50% {}\;

    ~ i like social d



    May 21, 2014, 07:18 AM

    I'd be happy to help out.



    May 23, 2014, 11:03 AM


    My name is Nate and I have been riding at CamRock quite a bit over the past few years. I figured its about time that I joined the forums and tried to get a bit more involved. Oh and I ride a bright red cannondale prophet.




    Trail Steward - CamRock

    May 23, 2014, 11:32 AM


    My name is Nate and I have been riding at CamRock quite a bit over the past few years. I figured its about time that I joined the forums and tried to get a bit more involved. Oh and I ride a bright red cannondale prophet.


    Welcome Nate! Glad to have you aboard. As you are following the focus for the next week for CORP and CamRock is pretty focused on getting ready and running the Battle. That would be the best help right now.
    If you wanted to be a regular part of the crew that helps out at CamRock look up the Trail Posse thread under CamRock. We could use a couple of more spots, or just to have a fill-in or two would be awesome! Just PM me or post up on that thread if you want in to the fun!

    ~ Chuck Hutchens



    April 15, 2015, 01:17 PM

    Hello, relatively new here.  My buddies and I typically ride every Thurs after work, usually either Cam or Quarry.

    Just joined here. Was an IMBA member when I lived in CO, but that lapsed long ago.  So I joined up again and paid my $50 individual supporter fee.
    Anything in paricular that I need to do to be allowed to get a jersey when they become available?
    Is there a secret handshake to getting an invite to the Farm?
    I've never done any kind of trail maintenance, but I'm willing to help when I can...though I'm horribly allergic to poison ivy & oak, so I stay away if I know it's there.

    Anyway, that's my intro.  Sorry if there's a general "Introduce yourself" thread that I missed.


    Gary S

    April 15, 2015, 03:06 PM

    Hi Dave (and friends), thanks and welcome to CORP! There's no intro thread although that's not a bad idea! The jerseys are available to anyone, Josh will be providing more details and a link to the store so you can order what you want. Actually if you want to go over to the other thread and answer the poll, he's trying to get an idea on the interest level for each jersey type. As far as the farm, you just need to talk to someone who knows where it is, or attend one of the work days. Volunteering your time is always greatly appreciated, in whatever ways you can. We're pretty friendly folk, if you see anyone hanging around any of the trailheads there's a decent chance it's someone in the club, so don't be afraid to say hello. We also organize and are looking for people to organize group rides on the forums and on Facebook. Check out our event calendar for what's happening. See you around!


    Walt Hougas
    Trail Steward - Blue Mound SP
    Trail Steward
    To Be A Man...

    April 15, 2015, 03:36 PM

    Hi Dave,
    Welcome to the forums. I'm pretty sure Josh will take your jersey request, looks like he's still getting the order figured out.
    According to Greg, the owner of the farm, attending the work day for any CORP trail qualifies you to ride his trails. Although it would be nice to help him out. His main request is to never post direction to his trails in public, so I can't send you there from here. There will be opportunities to ride there for you.
    I'm alergic to poison ivy too. Don't know how bad mine is compared to yours, but I'm able to work in infested places by scrubbing down with alcohol hand wash ASAP, then detergent and hot water later.


    Trail Steward - CamRock

    April 15, 2015, 09:33 PM

    Welcome! Glad to have you on board. As stated earlier, the easiest and best way to get to know folks involved is to become one of us. You will gain huge respect from all of us out sweating on the trails when you lend a hand. And as a bonus you get to feel great about knowing you help keep the trails open and in great shape.
    Group rides are another great way to meet folks. In fact we have a group ride every Thursday at CamRock. Check the Facebook page for the events, and details. It is also here on the Forums under Group Rides & Events.
    This coming Saturday is also the big CamRock Work Day. There are a lot of tasks all over the park. If Walt's tips for not getting poison ivy/oak don't work for you, I can steer you to tasks that won't get you into it. Again details on Facebook, and Forums under CamRock.
    Hope to see you on the trails soon.

    ~ Chuck Hutchens



    April 16, 2015, 07:16 AM

    Sorry if there's a general "Introduce yourself" thread that I missed.
    There's no intro thread although that's not a bad idea!


    We did have an Introduce Yourself thread but it kind of fell off and was about 3 or 4 pages back in the General Discussion. Maybe that's not the place for it or perhaps it could be a tagged as a sticky so it stays at the top.



    Middleton Bike Park Trail Steward

    April 16, 2015, 11:33 AM


    It looks like you've got the basics covered and initiated revisiting a welcome message or getting to know you thread.

    We aren't known for secrets or secret handshakes but showing up at the events on our calendar will introduce you to people full of information. This time of year most events are about trail work but those usually contain some fun too.


    Trail Steward - CamRock

    April 16, 2015, 03:25 PM

    We aren't known for secrets or secret handshakes but showing up at the events on our calendar will introduce you to people full of information.
    It will also introduce you to some people who are full of it, but that's another discussion ;-)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    ~ Chuck Hutchens



    August 11, 2015, 08:45 PM

    Hi all!
    I'm Dana and I live in Madison.  I'm a complete noob, just started riding this summer.  I've been mostly riding at Kettle Moraine South.  I went to check out Pleasant View this week and I think it's currently a bit beyond my level (at least the skills section is).  If anyone is feeling charitable towards noobs I wouldn't mind going out to one of the CORP trails with someone who could show me around. 
    I'm also up for lending a hand when you all need volunteers, as my schedule permits. 


    Renegade Rick

    August 12, 2015, 06:38 AM

    Welcome Dana! If you have been heading to Kettle from Madison, you should try out Cam Rock. It's got something for everyone, and it's closer than Kettle. There's a big workday going on at Cam Rock this Saturday, there should be plenty of CORP folks there that might be willing to take you on a tour.

    Did you find all the singletrack at PV? That new machine loop is amazing.



    August 12, 2015, 07:17 PM

    Welcome Dana! If you have been heading to Kettle from Madison, you should try out Cam Rock. It's got something for everyone, and it's closer than Kettle. There's a big workday going on at Cam Rock this Saturday, there should be plenty of CORP folks there that might be willing to take you on a tour.

    Did you find all the singletrack at PV? That new machine loop is amazing.

    Sure.  I can help on Saturday.  Just tell me when and where.  I've never been to Cam Rock.  I've heard the riding was pretty technical so I was planning to wait a bit before heading out there. 

    I didn't get to the singletrack trails at Pleasant View.  I didn't know how and where to access them and it was getting dark (and buggy).  I'd like to check them out sometime.  I live in far west Madison, so it's close for me. 
