
    2018, Anyone Still Ride Here?


    June 28, 2018, 11:05 AM

    I am sad to say that in the years I have spent riding trails around the Madison area, I have yet to make it out to the Farm.  I am really hoping to change that this year, but it is proving difficult.  I hope someone is willing to help.

    I have read past discussion board posts about the exclusivity of the Farm to IMBA-CORP members and seen the recommendation that people join a group ride to learn the location of the trails.  But with half of the summer season already behind us, I have yet to see any posts or events for a group going out to ride or work on the trails.  Hence the title of this post.

    I  PM'ed Greg (farmguy) over a month ago hoping he would share info about the trails with me, but I never got a response.  I would be happy to join other people for a ride there or put in some time working on the trails or any other pre-requisites for getting a piece of the action on these trails.  Would anyone be obliged to share the secrets of these trails with me?


    Middleton Bike Park Trail Steward
    Trail Steward

    June 28, 2018, 11:27 AM

    Pleasant View and Blackhawk trail crew super hero Creeper (Lucas) recently posted about his also working at the farm. Greg will soft pedal the farm when he sees there is not enough volunteer efforts at the other trails.

    Life also gets  busy.

    My guess is we could have a Farm group ride at some point in the near future. To me the big problem is we have thousands of riders, hundreds of members each for CORP and Blackhawk but even with new people stepping up it's a very small group of people making all the infrastructure for the sport happening.

    A few of us have talked about how we need a good old farm group ride but we're neck deep with the organization, physical volunteering, event leading, you name it to let thousands of riders have trails. We need some more to join the new faces helping make it all happen. Most all of something not happening is as simple as needing more to give time and/or money.



    June 28, 2018, 08:33 PM

    Thanks for the response.  Sorry to see CORP struggling so much.

    I have contributed money (CORP membership) and I am offering to help with trail maintenance, but can't do much there since I don't know where the trail is.  If there is something else I can do please let me know.

    I will PM Lucas in case he plans to return to the Farm and I can tag along.



    June 28, 2018, 10:54 PM

    Are you able to go out with me some Tue. or Thur. Morning?


    Former President
    Board Member

    June 29, 2018, 09:30 PM

      Sorry to see CORP struggling so much.

    It's a glass half-full/empty thing.  We've got a lot of great trails, a lot of people riding them, and a bunch of prospects for more trail.  That does mean there is a lot more work to do, but it's not a terrible problem to have. 

    It can be a little challenging to get set up for trail work in the summer; there is not a lot of building going on, weed trimming is kind of a one-man show,   and we're sometimes not as organized as we might be as far as getting people set up to do it.

    Hopefully you and Creeper can hook up, and he can give you the lowdown on helping at the Farm.  Or if you consider another trail 'home,' let me know and I'll try to get you hooked up with that steward.



    July 22, 2018, 10:44 PM

    If you're interested in the Farm and can work on a Tuesday come join me for a clean up day this Tue. the 24th. Be prepared to operate a string trimmer. Message me to coordinate timing.



    July 25, 2018, 08:33 PM

    The trees are cleared at the North, and the South loop is half done. I think the trees have been cut, but it still needs trimming. The connector was just mowed.
