
    Bike-O-Rama volunteers needed!

    March 11, 2012, 11:13 PM

    I would have to agree. Showed up, looked at the table, and continued to look around for the corp booth because it was predominantly wors stuff. An opinion that was shared by anyone that stopped to look, they thought it was just a wors booth.

    It's great that we can promote wors, but i think maybe a separate table is in order for next year.

    Also, I think it would be better to be in the inner area of the building, not in the entry way. Everyone coming by just wants to get into the building as soon as possible, so not many stopped by. If we could get a spot inside, that would definitely be the way to go for next year.


    Tim Barber
    Board Member at Large

    March 11, 2012, 11:31 PM

    I agree that content-wise, it was very WORS oriented. However, the video and the racer handbook served as good stepping stones for conversations about CORP, esp. for kids.  I talked to probably a dozen people, using the racing as a seque into trail maintenance, our BBB events, and other activities.   It would have been nice to have more "CORP" visibility though......

    My biggest problem was people thinking I worked for the bike shop and asking me questions about items on sale. .....oh, and the FIB who thought Camrock was "lame."


    Tom Harron
    Former Club President
    Former President and Race Director of Battle of CR

    March 14, 2012, 03:21 PM

    The booth did not have a lot of stuff with CORP because the backdrop was damaged at the Bike swap. We can't use our old brochures because they give incorrect information on how to register to be a member of CORP. I printed the terrible looking CORP/IMBA logo poster right before I left for the show. We don't have a vector version of the new logo yet.

    Bottom line is I have been to busy to build new brochures , posters and a new booth. I asked Don to spread out because the WORS race will be the biggest event we do this year. We do get a quarterly check from IMBA, but the WORS race at CamRock will set our budget for the next 12 months.

    I wasn't planning on doing the Bike O Rama this year but a number of people volunteered to do it at the last meeting. Even with the great volunteers I still spent 4 hours at the booth because someone didn't show on Sunday.

    Tom Harron



    March 14, 2012, 04:08 PM

    Hi Tom,

    I wasn't trying to blame anyone or point fingers, just trying to take lessons for next year.



    Tom Harron
    Former Club President
    Former President and Race Director of Battle of CR

    March 14, 2012, 04:13 PM


    No worries. Just getting slammed from all directions.



    Tim Barber
    Board Member at Large

    March 14, 2012, 04:35 PM

    Everyone needs to C to the H to the I LL. 

    Bottom line:  Got to talk to a lot of people and tell them about CORP.  Some improvements could be made for next year. Overall, I think our presence was a positive.
