
    Quarry Ridge Trail Addition - Fall Work Days 11/9 and 11/16

    November 08, 2013, 01:04 PM

    Looks like we will have 6+ in attendance this Saturday morning from our Fat Tuesday/Team SUDS group. 



    November 08, 2013, 03:13 PM

    It's looking like a good crowd. Our chainsaw operator (The Grey Ghost) will be there and be cutting before 8:00 to stay ahead of the group. I've already cleared the brush to the ground in the open stretches. We'll have a short meeting in the parking lot at 8, followed by heading back to the toolbox and starting there clearing and benching the new trail. There is plenty to do. There is a good chance we can complete most of the trail on 11/9.

    If anyone shows up late, please head back to the toolbox (by the picnic table) and you will find us along with all the tools you will need to help out.

    And, if you have some ideas for new trails, be sure to find me to discuss at some point. I can't do everything at Quarry Ridge, and I'm looking for leaders to take over new projects and even some maintenance for 2014.



    November 08, 2013, 04:26 PM

    I will be getting up there late with my now 9 year old.  He loves working up there, so save some stuff for him.  Any plans to bank some of those turns in the trail put in this Spring? 

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    November 08, 2013, 05:13 PM

    I will be getting up there late with my now 9 year old.  He loves working up there, so save some stuff for him.  Any plans to bank some of those turns in the trail put in this Spring?

    It depends on the turnout and who we have for crew leaders. I would like to knock out the new trial as much as possible on 11/9. We could then spend 11/16 installing berms throughout the trail system. There are plenty of ideas and things to do, it will all depend on turnout.


    Specialized Jeremy

    November 09, 2013, 08:56 AM

    I just want to say that I am truly impressed by this MountainBike club! I really have never seen anything like it! You guys and gals build really good trail systems! Quarry Ridge is really fun! Camrock is terrific! I am bummed I have to work otherwise I would be out there helping you guys build these trails! Hopefully next year I can get out and help build!



    November 09, 2013, 06:22 PM

    Had a good time today at the work day. Good people, good trail, and good food. Props to Chef Rick for lunch!

    My fiancee is a soil junkie (grad school in soils right now) and she was disappointed I got to work in so many different soils....haha.   

    I had to go after lunch, any news on how far the crew made it by the end?

    Here's a pic from my phone I took while taking Rick's bike for a spin at lunch.

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    ~ Go Big or Go Home


    Middleton Bike Park Trail Steward
    Trail Steward

    November 10, 2013, 12:16 PM

    Thanks everybody.



    November 10, 2013, 03:34 PM

    Thanks to all who helped support the day!  The food was key for the post lunch push- thanks food folks!  Good job organizing this Jeff.  Another big day for the QR trail system.


    Former Club President
    I ride bikes

    November 10, 2013, 07:58 PM

    Thank you to the organizers, key assistants, and of course the volunteers who came out to move the earth so that others can ride. Top notch work from the photos I've seen. Top notch

    ~ i like social d



    November 10, 2013, 08:19 PM

    Thank you to everyone who came out. We accomplished way more than I anticipated, and the turnout was by far the best turnout at a Quarry Ridge workday likely in the history of the trail. All of the volunteers transformed some grassy area along a pond and a whole bunch of invasive-species filled woods into an (almost complete) trail. And what was built was impressive. This isn't just a passageway through the woods. In addition to clearing a path, the volunteers removed stumps, cleared and shaped the trail surface, and even built some awesome berms and other features that will make this trail fun for many levels of riders.

    After lunch, a few of us completed the trail clearing and removed more of the stumps. At this point, you could ride a bike through it all the way back to the concrete dam/bridge, but it is not in the best shape at the end (we ran out of time). I did get out there today and cleared a little more to make the trail surface better, but more hands are needed.   

    We're not done yet. Don't forget, there is a second workday on 11/16 to finish the trail. The plan on 11/16 will include:
    • Removing the remainder of stumps or trimming them to the ground
    • Trimming back branches in tight sections of the trail
    • Smoothing the last about 800 feet of trail
    • Removing stumps from the twisty trail built this past spring
    • Adding berms the twisty trail
    • Clearing the corridor for a new downhill flow trail to be built in the spring

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    « Last Edit: November 10, 2013, 08:33 PM by jeffb »


    November 10, 2013, 08:22 PM

    And a few more...

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    November 14, 2013, 08:09 PM

    The 11/16 workday will be a rain or shine event. The forecast right now looks like a few sprinkles in the morning followed by a light rain in the afternoon. I want to get the new trail finished, and we can probably do that quickly before any real rain occurs.

    Breakfast will be at 8 - same as last time. Lunch isn't finalized yet, but we'll likely have something around 11:30.



    November 15, 2013, 07:17 AM

    I'll be there again, but not first thing in the morning.



    November 15, 2013, 09:21 PM

    Planning to help for my first time. Is there anything additional that I can bring to help?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Renegade Rick

    November 16, 2013, 03:50 AM

    Work gloves sturdy shoes or boots safety glasses are good ideas. Tools are provided.

    Thanks for the help!
