
    Blue Mound Ride 3/10


    March 10, 2017, 03:07 PM

    I went out around 9 this morning. Temperature said 20 degrees. Everything below the trailhead was solid and crunchy except for the last 200 feet before Chert Dip. Water under ice under leaves made that last section a bit slushy. No rutting when I went through though. The first section of Chert was a bit of the same. After the first creek crossing everything was fine. The final few feet of serpertine climb were a bit more of the "water under ice under leaves" situation. Bogged me down but no ruts as far as I could tell. Tires stayed pretty dry. Basalty Bail was a mix of dry and the water/ice/leaf situation.

    I spent half the ride picking up sticks/moving small trees/cleaning up. I came back after my ride around 11:30 to use my hand saw on a couple other small trees I couldn't move. By then everything touched by the sun was very slick and definitely not rideable IMO. If it's the same temps tomorrow, the latest I'd go is 9am, 10 if the sun stays away. Everything should be ok from the trailhead to the end of Bsalty Bail regarding obstacles. I may have missed a few things but it should be fairly smooth sailing.

    The only thing left to mention is a big tree down right before you exit Chert Dip onto the walking/ski trails. Definitely needs a chain saw. Had to carry bike around.

    I apologize for the book, but that's just how I roll.


    Gary S

    March 10, 2017, 03:24 PM

    Thanks for the update! I am surprised that things became slick so early, I thought they would be OK all day.

    The trail conditions are sometimes updated based on a guess which can vary between wild to educated. Since you've been so helpful, I added you as an official Trail Conditions Reporter, so if you're inclined, you can update the trail conditions yourself when it looks out of date or incorrect.

    I was wondering how much of a mess things would be with two days of high wind. Thanks for your efforts. I think that large tree near the end of the bailout has been there for awhile, the reminder is helpful.
