
    Quarry Ridge WorkDay this Saturday 4/12/2014

    Former Club President
    I ride bikes

    April 08, 2014, 10:13 PM

    With all of the great trail improvements last year, you may be wondering what more we could do to enhance or expand the trails at Quarry Ridge. The answer: a lot! There are a bunch more trail improvements planned for this year including two new downhill lines, enhancing the Three Sisters line, and improving the flow of all of the existing trails. The downhill improvements are exciting because they will create some longer downhill lines with beginner-friendly, yet challenging for more advanced riders, features and some larger berms. A very large wooden bridge/jump feature (or maybe two) will be built as part of these expansions.

    To make this happen, the first workday is planned for this this Saturday, 4/12. The weather looks great with a high in the 60's, which is a nice change from the cold and muddy spring of the last few weeks. Come out and help, we could use it!

    The rough list of tasks for Saturday is as follows:
    1. Fix drainage issues where water puddles on the trail throughout the trail system. This will allow the trail to dry faster after rain so we can get riding sooner!
    2. Smoothing the new trails, removing stumps, and building berms.
    3. Clearing the two new downhill lines of brush. If time allows, we will at least rake them smooth so they can be ridden without features or berms.
    4. Afternoon session adding berms or features to the new downhill trails or cross country trails.

    The workday will start at 8 am on 4/12. Please be there on time to sign wavers, break into workgroups, hold a quick safety meeting, and discuss plans for the day....and breakfast beverages and donuts! We will work until about noon and then CORP will be providing a lunch (likely brats). Stick around for the afternoon if you want.

    What to bring/wear:
     - Outdoor clothing and layers for the weather.
     - Good gloves.
     - Water (although bottled water will be provided as well).

    ~ i like social d
