
    CORP work day at Blue Mound Saturday April 14th

    Walt Hougas
    Trail Steward - Blue Mound SP
    To Be A Man...

    April 12, 2012, 01:34 PM

    We will be starting at 9AM and working until 1PM.

    We will be making some repairs to the beginner section. I'm thinking that the mud hole just before Chert Dip could use some work or maybe we could start digging drainage ditches right below the trail head.

    (Or if someone wants to advocate for it, we could work on filling in the back side of the rock-over at the start of the trail. I tend to overlook this one because it isn't getting worse.)

    Wear boots and gloves if you have them. No sandals, please! Bring water and a snack. I'll raid the beer pantry at home for a post work session reward if you want to hang around for a little while after we're done moving dirt.




    April 12, 2012, 02:20 PM

    Wish that I could come out this weekend, but I'll be down in Illinois doing something stupid.  (Running a 50 mile trail race.   :o )  I'm out at Blue Mounds so often (mostly on foot, but sometimes on the bike), that I really would like to help out at some point.


    Walt Hougas
    Trail Steward - Blue Mound SP
    To Be A Man...

    April 12, 2012, 04:00 PM

    You have two more chances this spring M^2.

    Hope your race goes well!


    PS Your beer goes to someone else. Tough luck.


    Middleton Bike Park Trail Steward
    Trail Steward

    April 13, 2012, 12:15 PM

    We will be starting at 9AM and working until 1PM.

    The calendar says 8 AM.

    Should we be there then or adjust the calendar and home page?



    April 13, 2012, 06:48 PM

    I'm pretty sure that the calendar is wrong, and every workday at BMSP starts at 9am, unless otherwise stated.  The calendar also says that there's another workday on Sunday, which I believe is also wrong.

    Walt, I'll be able to make it but I'll need to leave promptly (post-beer of course).


    Walt Hougas
    Trail Steward - Blue Mound SP
    To Be A Man...

    April 13, 2012, 08:45 PM

    Gary is correct.

    9AM to 1PM Saturday.

    No Sunday work.

    I'm Gary's ride, so I won't have time for socializing after the work.

