
    I hate my mtb

    Middleton Bike Park Trail Steward

    September 15, 2016, 08:30 AM

    What I call "Brian's Rides" and he calls "Amy's Play Group" move between Quarry Ridge and Pleasant View. I thought they moved to Quarry Ridge after the last few at Pleasant View.

    In winter subset of this group does all their finger crossing and prayer for snow shoeing and fattie rides at Blue Mound.

    A fun element here is these rides have a combo of hard charging experts and rank beginners at same time. Parallel play just like preschool. Toys and dirt just like preschool but add beer. No one (yet) coming and going in diapers.



    September 23, 2016, 11:16 AM

    Would Trek consider letting your trade it for a different model in store???

    I ride PV often.  If you want to take a ride sometime i can get an idea of what/why it feels so bad if i see your setup and riding style.
