
    I'm wondering if it would be possible to rebuild the A frame ramp that goes over the tree branch to make it wider?

    After much hesitation to try it I finally did and had a few successful rides over it.
    The last time I tried it, the bike started to roll off the ramp which bumped the front sprocket or chain ring.
    My front sprocket got bent to where it had to be replaced.
    (I am not 100% sure if the ramp was the cause since I did not notice it bent until after riding it around for a bit longer. It could have been something else but I don't remember anything different hitting the sprockets.)

    If this is possible or any interest I would be willing to donate time and/or materials and/or to CORP to create a wider and less intimidating ramp for riders of all skill levels.

    I dropped a Honda key fob in the East lot this afternoon, if anyone picked it up please let me know.

    Workday to try to finish the new trails is scheduled for July 22.  More details on our events page.

    Red tail Hawk on trail

    in Blackhawk
    July 06, 2023, 02:46 PM

    About 230 pm today there was an injured/sick hawk on the trail on the Erdman connector just east of Blackhawk, where the trail swoops down and north a bit.  Just a heads up, and maybe the dnr could help.  Sounded like he/she had a friend nearby in the woods calling. 

    I'm planning to do a work-n-ride at the Burdocks Thursday evening from about 5:30 to at least 7:30. The ToDo list is open to suggestions but things that come to mind:

    • Trimming is in pretty good shape but there are more lines that could be opened up
    • There are a couple logs that could be turned in to features with a few strong backs
    • I have little reroute in mind that would work towards an eventual 2 mile loop that is coming together (about 1.75mi so far)
    • If we get some moisture on Wed maybe some dirt could be sculpted, there are few spots begging to be turned into proper berms
    • I'm curious what would happen if we took a few good whacks at one of those concrete footings that are everywhere...anyone have a big sledge hammer?
    • Tweak, tune, & fix existing features

    I'll have a few spare tools but bring your own if you have them (string trimmers, blowers, rakes, shovels, saws). Bring your own bike.

    Once it's
    I have been riding the new eastbound return section since it opened, and after riding it many times, I am wondering if the new eastbound section might be a better as a westbound section with the old (current westbound) section then becoming the eastbound?  Anyone else think this might be worth a try?
    We considered both options.  Once the new trail is complete and the old trails are rehabilitated, I think most riders will agree that the current arrangement is the way to go.  We're working on scheduling the machine work and another volunteer day to get that done, stay tuned.

    I have been riding the new eastbound return section since it opened, and after riding it many times, I am wondering if the new eastbound section might be a better as a westbound section with the old (current westbound) section then becoming the eastbound?  Anyone else think this might be worth a try?

    Re: Weed Trimming Time!

    in News
    June 21, 2023, 10:48 AM

    When it comes to honeysuckle, it’s often really easy to rip out the whole bush by the roots and you’d be doing the local ecosystem a favor in doing so. Sometimes it doesn’t even require a tool, lean into the bush and the roots just start coming up. A whack at the base with a mattock usually does the trick if it is being stubborn. A whole bush can come out in a minute or two and won’t have to be trimmed several times a year anymore.

    Group ride for 6/20 is on. Looks like it will be hot. Roll out from Capital brewery beer garden at 5:40 pm or meet us at the trail head at ~6;00 pm.


    Current Conditions

    Trail Map

    Trail Description

    Cannonball Singletrack at Aldo Leopold Park has a total of 1.2 miles of trail consisting of three trail types and a paved pump track and skills loop. The singletrack runs parallel to the paved Cannonball path from Post rd to the Hwy 151 pedestrian overpass. There are multiple access points along the route and the trail connects to the paved pump track at Aldo Leopold Park.

    The loop is comprised of the chip seal trail, paved pump track, and paved skills loop can be ridden during all weather conditions and is a great option to work on skills while other trail systems are closed.

    Trail types and distances are:
    • 0.20 miles: Limestone Capped “Post Rd Extension”
    • 0.60 miles: Chip seal trail with technical trail features “Shred to School”
    • 0.40 miles: Natural Surface “Rail Line Oaks”
    • Pump Track at Aldo Leopold Park - paved

    All trail can be considered easy or moderate difficulty. All technical trail features such as jumps and rock gardens can be easily ridden around or rolled.

    Users can park on the street on Post Rd near Leopold Elementary or on Traceway Drive by Aldo Leopold Park. The best way to access the trails are from the paved Cannonball bike path.

    Trail Conditions:
    • Shred to School (Chip Seal): Always open, can be ridden when wet.
    • Post Rd Extension: Ride only when not leaving ruts. Often ridable after light rain events.
    • Rail Line Oaks: Ride only when dry. Trail is closed when wet or soft.
    • Pump Track and Skills Loop: Always open during park hours.

    Parts of the trail are one way, watch for directional arrows and use caution on two way portions of trail and near all intersections.

    Questions or Concerns?
    Corey Stelljes- Madison Parks- Trail Steward

    To Report Damage or Trail Hazard:
    Madison Parks
    (608) 235-0448

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