
    DNR Master Plan Amendment - Land Use

    December 02, 2015, 08:42 AM

    Hey guys,
    I wasn't able to attend last night as I couldn't switch my work shift.  My comments were submitted via e-mail.  How did the meeting go??

    ~ I like beer and men



    December 02, 2015, 08:53 AM

    From where I was sitting, it seemed to go pretty well. More people spoke in favor of maintaining Overload than any other single position regarding the master plan. Not just CORP members and mountain bikers, but from locals, hikers and other silent sport enthusiasts.

    But I think the written public comments are going to be key. We need to reach out to other MTB groups regionally and get every MTBer in WI to make a comment!


    Trail Steward - Cross Plains
    Trail Steward

    December 02, 2015, 08:56 AM

    Can anyone provide a list of on point talking points to submit online based on the meeting?  I wasn't able to attend and would like to keep my comments directed towards points that are the most important as well as most useful for saving the overload.  thanks.

    ~ crushing it


    Trail Steward - CamRock
    Trail Steward

    December 02, 2015, 09:33 AM

    From where I was sitting, it seemed to go pretty well. More people spoke in favor of maintaining Overload than any other single position regarding the master plan. Not just CORP members and mountain bikers, but from locals, hikers and other silent sport enthusiasts.

    But I think the written public comments are going to be key. We need to reach out to other MTB groups regionally and get every MTBer in WI to make a comment!
    I was also not able to make the meeting as we just got back from a funeral last night. But I did have a long conversation with someone who is deeply involved in the process.

    You are right on Frank. We did represent ourselves quite well. And I heard your comments were very well taken. Thanks to all who were able to make it. The issues with the decision making to recommend closure of Overload were well heard. The economics of closing a trail valued at $100K and generating revenue in a time of a $0 operating budget for State Parks was also brought to the front.

    You are also correct that public input is going to be key. Everyone needs to take the time to write in and support this. This should be all of CORP, and we should also make it state or regional wide.

    It was suggested a letter with key points should be circulated. And probably two versions. One locally, and one to get input regionally from other clubs and members. CORP and all mountain bikers are  concerned with the precedent of closing trails on State land.

    The DNR looks at all of the comments submitted, both in person and by email. They tabulate each point discussed. Then they mark whether the respondent is for or against that point. They will then look at the grand total once the comment period is over.

    Other than meeting with legislators, that is the best the public can do at this point. Now there is no guarantee. If that was the case, they would not be proposing to close overload. Over 70% of the respondents on the initial round were for keeping or expanding mountain bike trails at Blue Mound. The DNR is an agency that is hard to change. We are fighting the old guard. Most there don't understand mountain biking, and they do not understand that the silent sports people of today are the future protectors of the resource. The hunting & fishing contingent is aging. But overwhelming them with responses is the best way to get their attention. And having a united voice all responding with the same points will get their attention when they tabulate their numbers.

    ~ Chuck Hutchens



    December 02, 2015, 11:27 AM

    I was not able to stay for most of the comments, and as such didn't catch all of the points brought up, but I did get a chance to talk with one of the DNR biologists before the presentation started. From what I was able to gather, the birds are the main issue in the Over Lode area - the bats are either less sensitive to trail disturbances, or are a more prevalent species, etc.

    In the proposal to restore that section of trail to a natural environment, it sounds like they also would be restoring the abandoned service roads. I tried to ask what kind of impact would come about from only restoring the service roads to a natural state while leaving the bike trail intact, and I didn't get the impression that any studies were done or found that would be comparable (so not much of a straight answer). I got similar responses when we asked about the impact of simply closing the trail during the migration and breeding season of these birds, roughly April through July. As the trails are mostly closed at that time anyway, that would be an easy compromise for riders to make. Again, I didn't get the impression that a conclusive answer was available regarding the impact of a closed trail during that time.

    Another problem that was brought up with the trail dealt with the invasive species along most trails in the region - I believe garlic mustard was mentioned. A large eradication effort would probably need to happen and be consistently maintained if the trail is allowed to remain open.

    I hope these points can help in building an action plan to try to save the trail - I would hate to see it go. I cut my teeth learning to mountain bike on that section of trail, and I have yet to find any other trails in the region that have the same feel and atmosphere as Over Lode.



    December 15, 2015, 12:17 PM

    Hey, FYI all: Isthmus article online and in the paper this week:




    December 16, 2015, 09:13 AM

    From the Isthmus Article....

    But while parks admission stickers and overnight camping fees were increased in the past state budget, snowmobilers were granted a special reduced price on registration fees, with members of state-based snowmobile clubs getting a $20 savings off the standard $30 trail pass fee. The idea is to promote snowmobiling as an economic development effort.



    December 16, 2015, 09:25 AM

    All political BS.  The snowmobile clubs successfully lobby while off road cycling seems to struggle. I still find it crazy that while riding in Minnesota (cuyuna) I was chatting with a DNR employee who was working on the trail.  His full time job was dedicated to the singletrack at cuyuna.  Awesome.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    ~ I like beer and men



    December 16, 2015, 09:42 AM

    Reminder...Please get your comments made and let your friends know that today is the deadline for public comment. We need as large a voice as we can get and this is one of the ways to be heard.

    Please take time to respond directly to Paul Zajackowski and to the online petition and again please (put on some last minute peer pressure, now!) send this on to others that care. We need for more trails in the park - thank you!!
    Email contact to DNR concerning this plan by December 16th:


    On line Petition




    December 16, 2015, 10:18 AM

    I think there is more going on with the snowmobile fees. I seem to remember hearing on NPR is now mandatory state wide, but it was optional before.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Walt Hougas
    Trail Steward - Blue Mound SP
    To Be A Man...

    January 06, 2016, 10:05 PM

    The second stakeholder meeting for the master plan amendment with the DNR happened today.  The revised proposal was posted today on the DNR's website:


    To summarize, our proposal was largely adopted. Over Lode Trail will continue to exist as a loop. We have promised to make extensive changes to accommodate the DNR's concerns with sustainability and proximity to endangered animals. The trail will be a little shorter overall. Trail steepness (grade) will be significantly flattened. Still a lot of vertical, but more spread out. Trail construction professional Travis Bellman will be given encouragement to build some fun stuff.

    We will be allowed to build Pokerville as we proposed, but work will have to be delayed until we complete upgrades and repairs to the existing trails.

    The Friends have agreed to fund the Beginner Loop rebuild and some critical machine work in Pleasure Valley. These are the number one and two priorities.

    There is some additional work that needs to be completed for Holy Schist too.

    We will attempt to find funding for doing as much of this as possible by trail professional. Nothing is certain.

    It would be most helpful to have some emails or letters of support for the revised amendment to go to the Natural Resources Board (not Paul Zajakowski). This amendment does well for CORP. I wish that our success was not linked to establishing a snowmobile trail in the park, but this is the deal we are being offered. For the future of mountain biking at Blue Mound, I advocate that we trail riders support it.

    Walter Hougas



    January 07, 2016, 09:41 AM

    Glad to hear it!

    I have mixed feelings about the snowmobile thing: On the one hand, I don't want motorized recreation in the park. On the other hand, they were pretty much asking for the same thing us MTBers were asking for. Additionally, I'd like to build a bridge with the snowmobilers since I'd really like to get fatbikers access to snowmobile trails.



    January 07, 2016, 01:41 PM

    That is excellent news. And I'm okay with the snowmobile trail as long as they don't drive up prices at Hooterville.


    And last but not least.......

    January 07, 2016, 05:43 PM

    This is such great news. Big thanks to Walt and Gary for all that they have done and do at Blue Mounds. Looks like the mileage cap has been lifted as well since it appears that there is additional mileage. Man 19.2 miles according to the link. Not too shabby. An IMBA Epic has to be at least 20 miles but with the hopeful connector to Brigham we should be able to get there. Exciting stuff.


    Gary S

    January 07, 2016, 06:11 PM

    This is such great news. Big thanks to Walt and Gary for all that they have done and do at Blue Mounds. Looks like the mileage cap has been lifted as well since it appears that there is additional mileage. Man 19.2 miles according to the link. Not too shabby. An IMBA Epic has to be at least 20 miles but with the hopeful connector to Brigham we should be able to get there. Exciting stuff.
    Singletrack is estimated at 15.4 miles. If things go well with the work in front of us, who knows what could happen.

    « Last Edit: January 07, 2016, 06:26 PM by Gary S »